
About us

The Faculty was established in 1999 in response to a clear need to integrate the Zielona Góra academic artistic community, which at that time already had a long history and significant achievements (in music since 1971, in visual arts since 1991). For twenty years, the Faculty was an independent unit, which twice obtained the highest category in the parametric evaluation of scientific units

(1st category in the group of homogeneous units N2 "Sciences of Arts" in 2006; category A in the group of homogeneous units N14 "Fields of Art" - 2010) In the parametric assessment for the years 2013-2017 - category B. In connection with the reform higher education in Poland, since October 1, 2019. The Faculty is a teaching unit and cooperates with two disciplinary institutes: the Institute of Music and the Institute of Visual Arts, teaching six faculties (two music and four fine arts).

The Institute of Music is located on Campus A, in the teaching building A-15 at ul. prof. Z. Szafrana 19. The Institute of Visual Arts is located in the teaching building A-24 at ul. Wiśniowa 10. This is also the seat of the Department's Secretariat.

The lecturers of the Institute of Music are musicologists and artist-musicians (instrumentalists, vocalists, conductors and composers). They conduct lively scientific and artistic activity, representing both classical and jazz music. Many of them have achieved significant successes in their specialties, winning a number of awards at international competitions, e.g. in Malta, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Czech Republic.

The staff of the Institute of Visual Arts consists of visual artists representing: painting, sculpture, workshop and design graphics, photography, intermedia, design, interior architecture and art theoreticians. They are active artists operating in the national and international circulation, initiators and organizers of artistic events.

The high level of education is confirmed by the successes of students and graduates of the Faculty: among others: the first two prizes in the competition for the Picture of the Year, the nomination for the Polityka Passport, the Grand Prix of the National Youth Painting Competition. E. Geppert, Award of Katarzyna Kobro, Best Diploma - Graphics, participation in the post-competition exhibition Grand Prix of Young Polish Graphics in Krakow, "Transgrafia" as part of the International Print Triennial in Krakow. Students also participated in the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai or 4 Design Days in Katowice.

Why is it worth studying at the Faculty of Arts of UZ?

The Faculty of Arts has an intimate and friendly atmosphere. Thanks to the individual approach of the lecturers, each student can discover their interests and deepen their artistic skills.

Direction name

Full-time studies

1st degree

2nd degree

Interior design

Direction name

Full-time studies

Ist degree

IIst degree

Interior design

Art education in the field of musical art


Jazz and stage music


Visual arts

Students of the Institute of Music take part in numerous artistic events organized at the Institute and outside it. They pursue their artistic passions in scientific circles (JAZZ DO IT Scientific Circle, Choral Music Scientific Circle of the Institute of Music). They can use exercise and concert halls, instruments, multimedia devices, free Wi-Fi, and a music library with a sound library. A high level of education is ensured by the lively artistic and scientific activity of the Institute's staff, which cooperates with cultural centers in the city and the region, organizes concerts, workshops and other cultural events.

Students of the Institute of Visual Arts within the field of study are free to choose a studio. They can realize themselves artistically and scientifically in various forms of presenting their artistic achievements (as part of exhibitions, actions, workshops, plein-airs, publications, discussions), e.g. through activities within four scientific clubs: "Pracownia Wolnego Wyboru", "Project Circle" of the University of Zielona Góra, "Common Space", "Kwadrat" and in the following galleries: PWW, "EFKA", "aj-aj", Photo Gallery "Na Dole" ”, in the galleries of the UZ Library. Students' creativity is awakened during individual artistic and scientific projects and participation in artistic competitions. In addition, the tertiary education institution has launched several post-graduate courses (including illustration and comics with elements of concept art, photography).

As part of the Erasmus+ student exchange, the Faculty of Arts cooperates with universities in Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Portugal and Turkey. Students can also participate in a nationwide exchange provided by the MOST programme.

Employment opportunities

Graduates of the Institute of Music work as music teachers in schools, music centers and other cultural institutions. They run their own bands, deal with music marketing, create their own music or give concerts as vocalists, conductors, choristers or instrumentalists. Many of them cooperate with the Big Band of the University of Zielona Góra or with other bands. They also set up their own jazz and entertainment formations present on Polish and foreign music markets. Some graduates also decide to continue their education at music academies. In addition, depending on the completed block of optional subjects, they professionally use additional skills related to jazz music, leading vocal and vocal-instrumental ensembles, composition, arrangement and modern technologies in music.

Graduates of the Institute of Visual Arts are professional artists in the field of studied artistic fields: e.g. painting, workshop and design graphics, drawing, photography, interior design. They are employed in design offices, graphic studios and publishing houses. They are the authors of visual identifications, advertisements, posters, illustrations, publishing graphics and packaging designers. They also work as interior architects in the field of interior design, exhibitions, furniture, greenery. They deal with the promotion and criticism of art, work in galleries, museums and other cultural institutions, they are active as animators of art workshops.

Cooperation with institutions

Through disciplinary institutes, the Faculty of Arts cooperates with many institutions both in the city and in the region and the country. These include: art schools, galleries, museums, foundations, associations, philharmonics and cultural centres.

The Institute of Music cooperates with, among others, with: Cantus Humanus chamber choir; UZ Big Band; the Cantemus Domino and Polirytmia choirs; State Music School of the 2nd and 2nd degree im. M. Karłowicz in Zielona Góra; Private Music School "Yamaha" in Zielona Góra; Youth Center for Culture and Education "Dom Harcerza" in Zielona Góra; Cultural Center in Zielona Góra; primary and secondary schools of the Lubuskie Voivodeship; the Zielona Góra Jazz Association; Lubuskie Cultural Society; the Festival "Music in Paradise" in Paradyż; the Zielona Góra Philharmonic; Lubuskie Theater in Zielona Góra; the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw; De Musica Association in Warsaw; Polish Composers' Union in Warsaw.

The Institute of Visual Arts cooperates with centers promoting culture throughout the country; art galleries, including zBWA in Zielona Góra; Pro Arte Gallery in Zielona Góra; MBWA in Leszno; BWA in Gorzów Wielkopolski; Salony Foundation, museums: e.g. from the Museum of Lubusz Land; with academic centers, including Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, University of Arts in Poznań, Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź; Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków; with associations and festivals, e.g. with the International Print Triennial in Krakow; the Experiment International Art Festival in Zbąszyń; with schools: e.g. the Complex of Art Schools in Zielona Góra, as part of cooperation with business - with the ANMET company, as well as with institutions, e.g. with the Municipality of Zielona Góra and the Marshal's Office of the Lubuskie Voivodeship.

The purpose of these

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18